2011 the year of Great Poet Shaikh Ayaz

Poem of Shaikh Ayaz

Rises up from the strings of violin
A dream-
Rowing the moon
You set out
From the stars distant
And at my head side
Combing my hair with your fingers
You sing a song
On the tune of the violin
The song that Ommarro looked for
The song Kalidas couldn’t find
The song Tagore half sung on the boat
Today on the bank of Indus
I’m the puzzle for every sailor
Each one asks
Where do you bring
This wavy verse from?
In such moments I looked with wonder
At the strings of violin
And remember
Your fingers in my hair

Culture, Language, Literature: A Guest Girl "Hik Mehman Chhokree هڪ مهمان ڇوڪري، ...

Culture, Language, Literature: A Guest Girl "Hik Mehman Chhokree هڪ مهمان ڇوڪري، ... : Book Review 7:   A Guest Girl "Hik Mehman ...