Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Penitence Poem by Saeed Memon

Poem by Saeed Memon

Getting the pain in extreme
I smashed my lips
In the inauspicious life
I suffered a lot!
I erected numerous dreams
Razed all those accordingly.
Always on the way to beloved
Unknowingly, why have feet been jogging up towards!?
Neither stopped the innermost craving
Nor feet did discontinue!
In the finale
I drowned, and with me,
 Some innocents too!
Didn’t think over their bleak tomorrow
Youth had departed
Aged hands are hectic wiping out tears..

سعيد ميمڻ
مليو درد ايڏو
اسان چپ ڀڪوڙيا
اڀاڳي حياتي رڳو ڏينهن لوڙيا
سوين خواب جوڙيا
سوين خواب ٽوڙيا
سدائين پرين جا پئي پنڌ ووڙيا
اسان جا قدم ڇو اجايو پئي ڊوڙيا؟
نه من ئي مڙيو پئي نه ئي پير موڙيا!
پڄاڻي اها ٿي
ٻڏاسين اسان ڀي
۽ معصوم ٻوڙيا
نه سوچيو انهن جي سياه آئيندي تي!
جواني جدا ٿي
پيا هاڻ ڳوڙها اگهن هٿ پوڙها!

Translated into English by Mubarak Ali Lashari


  1. It is my pleasure to read my on poetry. Firstly I would like to thank you, secondly I can't help praising your translation, it is not only appealing but also stable and deep.
    Saeed Memon

  2. I am Saeed's brother. Ada has used my ID to comment. Thanks

  3. No matter of thanks dear Saeed, you and your poetry deserve our toiling and working....keep it up

  4. Saeed, this is a lovely poem.

    It reminded me of another('The Sky is Just Beyond the Roof' by Paul Verlaine):

  5. @ Michael. Thanks a lot for commenting in such a way.

  6. Dear Michael, thanks for ur visit and comments, from where you r? i wish ur writings at my blog. u can meet me at mubaraklashari78@gmail.com or at my facebook

  7. If I compare the translator with Keats, it will be somewhat exaggeration, but still the compliment does not help to be impeded as some nostalgia of "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" is involved. Amazing translation tools with perfect punctuation pauses makes the poet of the Lambsian order but in verse format of Romanticism and the translator's choice of memory poems is the reminisce of "New Year's Eve".

  8. "name" is Qayum Khan Bangush, http://columnistvision.webs.com


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