Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Negative Capability or Self-Merging?

Negative Capability or Self-Merging?

What goes on all the way through one’s entire life is not possible to inculcate the record of the things. There may be some too important things while some too trivial to discourse. Sometimes larger facts are ignored sometimes minute happening are instilled. This too happened with my serene mind and innocence contemplation. I was unaware, though may be yet too, the things surrounded my mind, cognition and ingenuousness. Seeing my father’s engrossed attention towards me, sacrificial spirit and granting all the worthy requirements at finger tips created weird and wonderful feeling in my intellect. I still too much experience absorbed in the sense of endowing oneself with the happiness of others-- loosing for finding something. At the stage of sensing poetry especially the eastern Mystical one, gave me much corresponding counter and opened the window of merging-self existence to something in addition. In the perspective, nevertheless not at too lofty stage of appreciation of the self-denial poetry, yet too touchy and closely readings of John Keats solved my enigma to much extent. His creation of Negative Capability is what?... I pondered over—taking the context of my parents; reviewing my child-like occupation of the cognition; why one finds oneself in others’ happiness? Though parents, lovers, fond of persons- in flowers, scents, books, money- not to be counted things at all! Isn’t Negative Capability that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, mystery, doubts, without any irritable reaching after facts and reasons…? If taken so Keats proposes the theory of Negative Capability for the sake of expressing the immortality of the beauty of the song of bird. Is that immortality that I have been seeing in the eyes of parents…? Or even found my own innocent indulgence absorbed to tackle the phenomenon? How much the commencement of the poem “Ode to nightingale” is paradoxical when he says:
A drowsy numbers pain
My senses,
A bivalent emotion of sane and sensibility prevails to create the sensory beauty of drowsiness to feel not for escape but share the ecstasy with the bird:
‘T is not through envy of thy happy a lot,
But being too happy with thy happiness,

This cliché ‘happy with thy happiness’ has prevailed on my senses now and again. Surely! That is the absolute willing submission and surrender of individual to explore the pleasure of full swing of the song of Nightingale (in concealing outfit, though), which I have been observing and thoughtfully overtaken…so Keats denied his existence and merges with the soul of bird. Is it the thing to be looked for..worked.. Shouldn’t be taken to perfection? That isn’t the Eastern Hindu and Mystical mortification? Or so…! Because it is not the ecstasy of bird but the inner happiness of Keats (person’s selfloosing in other things and discovering unification). It seems like the soul of Nightingale and Keats are fused together. Eh..Not only one thing but are referents….or one’s escapism? From objective things to subjectivity…. strange? Is it the vision of Keats that not only pleases embroiders on reality but giving the spiritual interpretation behind this phenomenon world or is he overwhelmed by sense of beauty of the song that blinds to account what is around him?:
I can’t see what flower is at my feet,
Nor what soft incense hangs upon the bough,
But, in embalmed darkness, uses each sweet
Where with the seasonable month endows
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit tree wild:
Lets see… wonderful, it is dark but his sensuous beauty recognizes each fruit and flower elusively. I feel the transcendence in the light of imagination to the mysterious scene where Keats sees that song is listened thousand years ago by Ruth, a Biblical character and even a young Maid, who is captivated in a mysterious castle near a for sea shore. In the sequence my flight of imagination bores the relation on my being, soul, body, structure, colour, race religion so on and so forth. Am I not the part of the lineage… seen in individual… continuity of great great grandfathers and grandmothers? It seems me like the whole structure of the universe divided into pieces; letters, words, sentences, language, communication, human conduct, culture, humanity, civilizations, cosmopolitan, universe…never ending! Similarly drops of water forming mighty oceans, little grains of sand forming large mounds…! Then don’t I live in my fore fore fathers..mothers..? Don’t they live in me? I am not now but I was then too and would be ever after in future! They were not then; they are now too and would be ever after. I took the point of may parent’s delight, their sacrifices, their subduing before offspring before me.. other children. This mortification of life and life is destined to mortify as like all other things. I did away the fear of death, fear of loosing anything; loosing something is actually achieving other…! Then my favourite concept expressed in Keatsian terminology Negative Capability? Self-Merging? Diversity in Unity and Unity in Diversity? Why negative… it is actually positive capability… the globe is alive in diversity that is unity in truth!


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