Poem by Shaikh Ayaz
The damsel fills the jar with water in hot
Such beauty of desert dazzles a lot
Let us see that lad, for that
The bride becomes so happy and great
Twistingly the peacock flew in the air
The pea hen ran joyously to stare
She embraced her beloved with arms around
Damsel was scared, when lightening occurred
Expired be ‘Ayaz’ for the beloved
What to do, if she is at distance
Translated by Hisam Memon
Such beauty of desert dazzles a lot
Let us see that lad, for that
The bride becomes so happy and great
Twistingly the peacock flew in the air
The pea hen ran joyously to stare
She embraced her beloved with arms around
Damsel was scared, when lightening occurred
Expired be ‘Ayaz’ for the beloved
What to do, if she is at distance
Translated by Hisam Memon
تتيءَ ۾ گهڙو ڪا ڀري ٿي پئي
ٿري سُونهن چمڪا ڪري ٿي پئي
اهو ڪانڌ ڪهڙو، انهيءَ کي ڏسون
سهاڳڻ ته ٻهه ٻهه ٻري ٿي پئي
اُٺي جي هوا ۾ کنيا مور پَر
ڊُڪي ڊيل هر هر ٺري ٿي پئي
ڪرايون ڳچيءَ ۾ وجهي ڪانڌَ کي
ڏسي وڄ وينگس ڏري ٿي پئي
سکيءَ کي ڏجي ساهه گهوري اياز
مگر ڇا ڪجي جو پري ٿي پئي
”ڪي جو ٻيجل تان ورتل آهي __حسام ميمڻ
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